Blue Springs Assembly

Blue Springs Assembly
Blue Springs Assembly

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Kids Of Lesotho

I am amazed each and every day when I see these kids here. These kids have the most basic lives and live in utter poverty. Even with the conditions and small amount of things they own, they have the most joy of probably any human I have ever met. They swarm you and hug you and touch you and look up to you. Little things like a high-five (of which I had to teach them to do), smiles, playing soccer, or talking seem to fill them with joy. They are infatuated with me taking their picture and then they giggle and scream in delight when you show them the screen. These kids are the most humbling thing i have experienced this whole trip. It makes me think twice about my life and what I take for granted and my whole attitude. The expectations for my trip were surpassed completely the first day. God is doing something amazing.

-Andrew Grumke-

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